English 518 Course Blog

April 10, 2007


Filed under: Uncategorized — spiders8 @ 8:19 pm

As I viewed this video, I saw so many unhappy faces, heard negative attitudes, and felt a sense of some trying really hard to impress someone else with thier body language, or sad voices.  Are our youth attention starved/crazed?  What types of things motivate some people to settle for or to get any type of attention that might be available?  I wondered was I actually looking at a real slice of life?  The young man with the knife at his wrist seemed to be trying to make a decision to live or die.  He wanted to change his life, but he didn’t know just how.  He seemed so unhappy.  If he does decide to take his life, what hope will he have to ever find a way to make a change or go in a new direction to make a difference for the better for himself?  Maybe I am not paying attention to what is occurring outside of my classroom in regards to people.  I leave to go to work in the dark and I return very drained at the end of a long day to return home in the dark.   Upon reflection, I felt that so many of the young people seem to lack a sense of direction in their lives in the video.  Sometimes, perhaps for a lack of vocabulary adults felt comfortable in using profanity to express points of view.  Their words were void without meaning and empty.  The elderly seemed to feel good about their computer skills, but were sure that they not only learned new computer techniques daily, but also lost some information because they could not remember some of the things they had learned from a day or days before.  Only the very young such as babies and toodlers seemed to be jovial in this video in addition to Mick Bianchio.  In sum, life seemed to be a vicious cycle  on this video.   I am afraid that what I viewed was not staged, but real life.

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